Another title for this post could well be "An unusual journey/in the world - not of it"
Earlier this year my wife and I felt God was setting some stuff in motion. Some decisions needed to be made. Of course, when making life changing decisions, it's normal to need some degree of control over it. Tied into the prompt though was a much bigger/deeper need. That of faith. And this is how it is going - are you sitting comfortably?
Our church leader brought together a group of young adults with the hope of empowering/enthusing/enabling us to make some faith led decisions and responses to what God might be wanting to do with us. We focussed on the story of Peter walking on water and what Jesus commanded of him, how he responded and what he needed in that situation.
My wife and I discussed this, both understanding that this wasn't just an opportunity for working out the theory. The 'what if' was to become reality. The initial step was recognising that there has been a dream and desire that my wife has held onto since an early age. It was her motivation for going to uni and is something she endeavours to pursue in her own time. Now it was time to push for forming that into a reality which meant handing in notice to her current employer.
Done - that was easy.
A few days later we found out she was! So this is where the faith comes in?
As I have learned before, God's timing is not necessarily synched with my own but His wisdom goes way beyond. Really though?! Ok...let's keep pressing on.
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