Friday, 4 November 2011

how (not) to move house - God does it His way (part 4)

Surely this was the easiest bit? As mentioned before - we sell, he buys. Easy. For one reason or another it never is. Days passed and it eventually got to the day before we needed to sell or would simply be out of pocket. I had been invited to a men's prayer breakfast. My friend rather boldly claimed "of course it would work! A couple of weeks ago we prayed for my sister and brother-in-law's place and they got it that day." thoughts fell on 'can't hurt to try.'

Up at 6am, breakfasting, praying, enjoying a good start to the day. I did leave feeling positive but it's funny how a deadline can soon change that. Approaching lunch I had a chat with a work mate about it all which finished with him encouraging me to "name it and claim it!"


No sooner had the words left my mouth but my phone rang. It was the solicitor. It was Monday 31st October. To avoid all manner of complications we had to sell before 1st November. On Friday 28th our solicitor had assured us that exchange and completion on the same day is very rare. Something to do with the process having to take 5 working days.

"Hello, this is your's all happening a little backwards isn't it?"
"Well - the buyer's solicitors have already paid us but I am in fact calling you to check over some details and make sure you still want to sell."

Do you see now why I wrote 'reality'?

God is the same God yesterday, today and forever. My God is the God that created the universe and conquered death. If He says 'move' of course He's going to get my house sold.

But the story hasn't finished yet. In fact I feel like we're only just getting going. My only hope is that when He reveals the next part of His plan to us I won't have that 'can't hurt to try' thought preventing the clarity that comes with faith.

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