One thing was clear - a drop in regular income would mean needing to sell the house. Thinking abstractly this all worked nice and neatly for me. Among other things it was coming to the end of our initial mortgage agreement so there was a feeling of coming full circle. Like the closure of one part of your life leading into the opening of a new part.
'Reality' was very different however. You'll learn the reason for putting that in inverted commas as you continue reading (God is definitely not limited by what we might see as insurmountable issues). Approaching those in the know ie estate agents the feedback we got was pretty much "you couldn't have chosen a worse time to sell your house, and the less said about the time frame the better." But we had made this decision so pressed forward.
A few months passed...
While on holiday we discussed our options. Clearly the best way of getting interest was to drop the price. We had a bottom line we didn't want to cross as this would most likely mean making a loss and probably having to pay more out of the money we wouldn't have to get rid of it. Until my wife made the observation that we had been praying intermittently about it but not regularly. She suggested that we do so and we became more expectant, assured that a buyer was out there.
While looking at our numbers again I came across a completely untouched envelope tucked in amongst everything else. Considering I open all letters as soon as I pick them up off the doormat this was slightly unnerving. Inside it was a letter from our mortgage lender saying that they are scrapping all early repayment charges on old mortgages like our own. Sorry? thousands of pounds and you don't want it?! Ok then. With this new information we decided on a number we felt we could manage and immediately received an offer.
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