Wednesday, 22 August 2012

a marathon not a sprint

The next time you find yourself looking out to the horizon consider this - how many boundaries are there between you and it and what are they?

A 30 second discussion with colleagues, looking out over a view from behind our offices, threw up these answers:

  1. Lots - too many to specify
  2. Physical boundaries: Fences, walls, trees, hedges, rivers, cows, private property. Personal boundaries: health/fitness, purpose/drive/motivation, navigational skills
I asked the question because I had been out for a run that morning. It wasn't going well until I realised that I had my focus on the ground in front of me. My drive was simply to cover distance but I needed more than that. I looked up and, in doing so, found motivation in the beauty of my surroundings. It probably helped a great deal as it meant I opened up my airways and improved my posture but gave profound mental and spiritual benefits too.

Suddenly I went from regretting every pace to wondering if I could keep going until I reached the horizon...and that's when I began noticing the boundaries. All of the things that would prevent me from getting there.

Until God stepped in.

Yeah, but look again at the bigger picture. Isn't it beautiful?

The scene before me became a living analogy for the race I'm running. The path marked out and the God given design on my life. It's not always going to be a level track on even ground. There will be times when what's underfoot throws me off balance. Occasions when I come up against barriers that I need to overcome or circumnavigate. There will even be moments when I lose sight of the horizon completely as I work my way down one side of a valley to get up the next.

I am not taking part in the 100m final. This is cross country.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

big wave riding

Another moment where the qualities of ocean and sky seem to overlap.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

I wrote this for you

I would stay up all night, every night for you.
I want to be there in every moment to share all time with you.
I recognise that there will be some challenges that you will need to face and overcome on your own - despite wanting me there.
I know there will be times when I will want to be there - when all you want is to step out on your own.
I’m not the Father spoken of in Psalm 139 but nonetheless I am blessed - for He has given you to me as my son and when the day comes that you call me ‘dad’ I will no doubt be unable to describe how that feels.

But I will spend my life showing you.

Through the peaks and the valleys. On the way up and back down. In the big and the small.

I want you to know
  • I will always be with you.
  • I will always be for you.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

big picture/fine detail

A friend of mine is faced with a decision. A decision with two options. The problem is that both options are incredibly similar and so he is a little thrown. Chatting it over it seems to be that, to reach a conclusion, he can only rely on what he wants.

Is it that simple? That seems so selfish.

We discussed everything from the money and location to friends and family...but it all came out as swings and roundabouts.

I know what I'd do in his situation but it's not my decision to make. It seems what is incredibly important to me is a minor element for him.

What are your defining factors?

Monday, 13 February 2012

that sounds like a conversation for elevenses - social media hide and seek

Step 1 - I got myself a smart phone. Good times. Hopefully it's not going to out smart me but rather help my life progress forward whilst bringing together all that stuff I put out there into one place.

At least that's the plan.

Step 2 of this master plan involves the jiggery-pokery of navigating my way around social media galore. Different strokes for different folks so, depending on who you are, you can select from the following menu:
  • LinkedIn - the chef special.
  • Wordpress - a three course option for the discerning.
  • Tweet me @JLACasey - recommended as part of a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Or just stay tuned right here for that home cooked feel.

Step 3 - Your turn. Count to 10, then come find me.

Friday, 10 February 2012

I don't even know you're name but...

I can't wait to meet you.

a very real miracle

With tomorrow being the official due date of my first baby I was doubly blessed last night in being able to hear it's heartbeat simply by resting my ear against my wife's stomach.

This day is not one I will easily forget.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

attention to detail

it's been a long time

Once again I've neglected to keep this up to date but with good reason. Apparently the most stressful things you can do include:
  • changing job
  • moving house
  • starting a family
In the last half a year we have experienced the first two and the third is due any minute now.

Here's to life never being the same again.