Saturday, 3 September 2011

explanation of the title

Signposts and Wanderings - inspired by 'signs and wonders'

I love learning new things. I always have. When something captures my imagination I am very rarely happy just to know that it's out there. There's got to be some way of getting involved. The process that follows seems to take the same route.

  1. Read &/or watch anything that might expand understanding and knowledge
  2. Tentatively take first steps to trying it out
  3. Experiment - succeed/fail - repeat
  4. Establish some form of success and explore the possibilities
Having done so I then consistently find myself in a position of sharing my experiences with others. This is both in a formalised teaching/instructing/coaching sense or simply sharing time with those that share the same passion. I recognised it first happening while skateboarding in my teens and have seen it continue across the board ever since through the practical/theoretical/theological, at work and play.

...but 'signposts and wanderings'?

The passion that underlines everything for me right now, that surpasses anything, that gives reason and purpose is the hope I have because of my faith. Ultimately none of this is about or for me but for God's glory. I am a signpost. Here to gain your attention but my hope is that your attention - in the everyday and the extraordinary - will be drawn onwards and upwards.

So that's what this is all about. Simply making a note of what I experience in order that you might encounter something of what I hold fast to.

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